Mont Pelerin Society MPS – Social Darwinism – Free Market Economics – Atlas Koch Network


The Mont Pelerin Society (MPS) another fulcrum of influence for radical right libertarians, climate science deniers and fossil fuels, the less than 1% and Austrian-Chicago School of social-Darwinist economics, with its influence continuing via Atlas or Koch Network and ultra conservatives.

MPS has been behind and influenced a network of think tanks globally via Atlas or Koch to promote climate science denial, fossil fuels, deregulation or lower standards etc. then leveraging right wing media, influencers, advisors and politicians to adopt the same policies, see ‘bill mill’ ALEC.

Members allegedly have included Charles Koch, and supported by notables including Murdochs, Evangelical Christian and related donors, with the GOP Republicans adopting MPS and John Birch Society ideas, themes and actions for Project 2025, being developed with Heritage Foundation support.

Like members of IEA Institute of Economic Affairs and MPS, ‘segregation economist’ James Buchanan, the economic muse of Charles Koch, Atlas and Koch Network.

Objective, beyond low tax, small government and light regulation appears to be implementing a permanent social-Darwinist ideology used to justify corrupt nativist Christian authoritarianism in the Anglosphere, west, Russia and developing world, for the less than 1%?


The Mont Pelerin Society MPS


The Mont Pelerin Society (MPS) was created in 1947 by the free market economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek and advocates “classical liberalism,” an ideology classified by small government and minimal regulation of business. It was named after the location of the group’s first meeting in Switzerland, and the group’s subsequent annual meetings have spanned the globe including Galapagos Islands, Prague (former Czech president Vaclav Klaus is a member), New York, Morocco, Tokyo, Sydney, Buenos Aires, and Stockholm. American economist Milton Friedman was also one of the founding members of the Society….

….. Antony Fisher, a former Mont Pelerin Society Member, established both the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) in Europe, and the Atlas Economic Research Foundation. IEA’s other co-founder, Arthur Seldon, was formerly vice president of the MPS.

The Atlas Society, not to be confused with the Atlas Network, also includes individuals with affiliations to MPS. According to DeSmog research, Mont Pelerin members have ties to a wide range of conservative think tanks, many which have consistently denied the human influence on climate change. Some of the top groups tied to MPS through affiliations of its members include the Cato Institute, The Hoover Institution, the Heritage Foundation, the Reason Foundation, the Foundation for Economic Education, the American Enterprise Institute, the Centre for the New Europe, George Mason University, Fraser Institute, Mercatus Center (George Mason University), and the Heartland Institute.

Membership lists obtained by DeSmog dating to 2010 and, more recently, 2013 show that organizations represented by the MPS have deep ties to the Koch network. Charles Koch himself is a long-standing member of the Society. DeSmog dug into individual member affiliations, and found that Koch foundations have poured more than $100 million into at least 54 groups connected to individual MPS members.

Stance on Climate Change

Some sources have connected the proliferation of climate change denial organizations and think tanks with neoliberalism. A 2013 issue of the not-for-profit magazine Overland put it as follows:

“Neoliberalism is a coherent political movement embodied in the institutional history of the global network of think tanks: the American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute, the Institute of Economic Affairs, the Institute of Public Affairs (the key Australian node of the network) and their dedicated spin-off counter-science think tanks. All can be traced back to the Mont Pelerin Society, the central think tank of the neoliberal counter-revolution, founded in 1947 by Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman.”

Overland also equates the tactics of climate science denialism with that of the tobacco industry.

“Each component of the neoliberal response is firmly grounded in neoliberal economic doctrine and has its own special function. Similar to the strategies of tobacco companies, science denialism is intended to quash immediate impulses to respond to the crisis, thus buying time for commercial interests to find a way to profit. The think tanks behind the denial of climate change don’t seriously believe they will, in the long run, win the war of ideas within academic science. But bashing pointy-headed elites lends them a certain populist cachet, while protecting the commercial interests of the oil companies, coal miners and gas drillers.

The project to institute markets in emission permits is a neoliberal mid-range strategy, better attuned to appeal to centrist governments, NGOs and the educated segments of the populace, as well as to the financial sector. […]”

Writing at DeSmog, Graham Readfearn has noted that the Mont Pelerin Society has long been home to some of the most ardent supporters of climate change denial……

Continues here.’

For more related blogs and articles on Australian Politics, Climate Change, Conservative, Economics, Environment, Fossil Fuel Pollution, Koch Network, Libertarian Economics, Political Strategy and Radical Right Libertarians click through:

Adam Smith – Classical Liberal Economics or Conservative Calvinist Christianity or White Christian Nationalism?

Posted on June 21, 2021

We observe many governments, especially Anglosphere and conservative, following the ideology of Adam Smith, promoted through Koch linked think tanks, assiduously. The outcomes include less Keynesian influence on government policy and more Smith, or Hayek, Friedman and Buchanan.

The latter cite ‘freedom and liberty’ for society, and economic policies based round ‘public choice theory’, monetarism and small government. Related there is also much emphasis or attention paid to elections, taxes, government budgets and many sociocultural issues including impairment of workers and unions rights, interfering on university campuses, demanding immigration restrictions, ‘freedom of speech’ and using Christianity as a divisive issue to create an ageing conservative voter coalition, especially in the USA.

CPAC Conservative Political Action Conference and the John Birch Society

Posted on March 14, 2024

CPAC US has been in the news for falling audiences and fallings out between different groups and players, while CPAC Hungary will be held 25-26th April in Budapest.

Recently both The Atlantic and SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center have highlighted the links between CPAC and the anti-communist John Birch Society, founded by Robert Welch, with assistance from others including Fred Koch.

Anglosphere Nativist Libertarian Social Economic Policies or Return of Eugenics?

Posted on October 28, 2022

In the past decade we have witnessed a political shift to the nativist and libertarian right in the Anglosphere, but described as ‘conservative’, appealing to the important above median age voter, less educated, more socially conservative, obedient and monocultural, but e.g. in UK leading to austerity measures?

Most of these ideas come from the classical or liberal economists of the past including Calvin, Smith, Ricardo et al. and also includes old eugenics based ideas of dour Christian men like Malthus on population, Galton on social Darwinism or eugenics, and worse, Madison Grant in the US who influenced Hitler.

Ghosts of Galton and Eugenics Return – Society, Population and Environment in the 21st Century

Posted on November 25, 2021

We have already looked at some other key players of the past related to eugenics, population via Malthus and liberal economics of Adam Smith, now we look at Galton, if not in detail, a broad sketch of his life and later impact on society, especially in the Anglosphere.

This has been exemplified by how eugenics theory never went away, even after the Nazis post WWII, but reemerged via the US using an environmental and climate prism, with a focus upon Malthusian population obsessions; supported by ZPG, UNPD data, Anglosphere media and think tanks to avoid regulation and business constraints, while encouraging xenophobia.

CPAC Conservative Political Action Conference and the John Birch Society

Posted on March 14, 2024

CPAC US has been in the news for falling audiences and fallings out between different groups and players, while CPAC Hungary will be held 25-26th April in Budapest.

Recently both The Atlantic and SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center have highlighted the links between CPAC and the anti-communist John Birch Society, founded by Robert Welch, with assistance from others including Fred Koch.

Anglosphere Oligarchs – Koch Atlas Network Think Tanks

Posted on March 27, 2023

We have heard much of supposed ‘libertarian’ think tanks or PR outfits in the Anglosphere influencing policy, especially of the right, via media and lobbying, euphemistically known as ‘Koch Network’ or the ‘Kochtopus’ with a fondness for fossil fuels and climate science denial.

New Yorker journalist Jane Mayer investigated several years ago for her book ‘Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right’ (2017) which included insight into oligarch donors Mellon-Scaife, Olin, Bradley, DeVos and Coors.

Further, historian Nancy MacLean in researching her book ‘Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America’ (2017) she stumbled across the economic muse of Kochs, ‘segregation economist’ James Buchanan.

Anglosphere – Radical Right Libertarian Socioeconomics and Authoritarianism

Another article from Lucy Hamilton on John Menadue’s ‘Pearls & Irritations’ titled ‘Think tanks’ call for ‘freedom’ really promises authoritarianism’ (13 Nov. ‘21); backgrounded by media narratives round Covid19 with demands for, using the Americanism, (Kochian) ‘freedom & liberty’ from regulation and government, with much authoritarianism.

Very complex ecosystem of relationships and dynamics, hence, understanding almost requires an ever evolving 3D helix to show the dynamics, interwoven relationships, ideology, etc. over time, as it’s a long game that transcends politics, parties and electoral cycles, especially the Anglosphere of Australia, UK and US, plus less developed democracies.

‘Ideological think tanks campaigning for ‘freedom’ are really pushing us further into a competitive authoritarianism regime.’ and ‘public choice theory’….

Demographic influence of social-Darwinism or eugenics of Galton and concerns about humanity of Malthus, equates with authoritarianism,  while  ‘freedom’ fits with Adam ‘invisible hand’ (of God) Smith, later Hayek, Friedman et al. morphing into Chicago School of Buchanan’s ‘public choice theory’ i.e. racial Kochonomics*; survival of the fittest, protecting themselves from (disruption by) the lower orders, presented as freedom of choice but needing authoritarianism to ensure the right choices are made.

*According to Bethany Moreton in a review of Nancy MacLean’s ‘Democracy in Chains’, titled ‘Kochonomics: The Racist Roots of Public Choice Theory:

Virginia’s nationally prominent stand against desegregation and voting rights was the inescapable context of public choice theory.

A disturbing example was Chile, post ‘70s coup and during the Pinochet regime, had the required military backed autocracy, domestic security services and social class division for their Chicago School experiment.  However, this experiment suggests that radical right libertarian economics requires autocracy, without constraints i.e. no society, no community, no unions, no free press, control by security services, no empowered middle class, low regulation, low taxes and small government, to function?

Soft authoritarianism, ageing electorates, eugenics, environment and ‘Big Oil’ 

Galton’s eugenics and Malthusian Population control movement reemerged after the embarrassment of pre and WWII experiments with eugenics and the Nazis; strategic in making population and immigration an environmental ‘hygiene issue’ to both deflect from fossil fuels and use as a dog whistle (to channel eugenics sentiments).

Key people in ZPG Zero Population Growth were falsely described as ‘progressive’ i.e. Tanton and Ehrlich (plus Watson of SeaShepherd fame); all had visited Australia from the early ‘90s, or before, to develop an Australian version of ZPG, post white Australia.  This was well before population was spiked by the (2006 UNPD defined) NOM Net Overseas Migration temporary churn over inflation (with below replacement fertility in the permanent population), climate science pointing to carbon emissions’ negative impact on the environment and post PM Howard, carbon mitigation policies being denigrated and voted down. 

How does nativism fit into authoritarian yet supposedly libertarain socioeconomic practice? 

ZPG in Australia morphed into SPA Sustainable Population Australia.  In addition to deflecting from mooted fossil fuels and carbon regulations or constraints by accessing naive or complicit media in platforming immigration, NOM and population growth as environmental issues of our time….. 

‘The fight against the masses …. allowing the worker the freedom to associate was dangerous.’

Again a feature of the eugenics movement informing radical right libertarian socio-economic policies to oppose an equitable electoral franchise, unions, workers’ rights, welfare, higher education and empower citizens; achieved by clever agitprop under various guises in legacy media by influencers and commentators using memes, ‘sciency’ PR, local vs. immigrant workers, and general disruption of social narratives.

We have observed often in Australia, with declining union membership, the ongoing demands for constraints on unions, including proxies such as union or industry superannuation funds.

Products of PR Meme factories, repackaging old theories, tropes and agitprop

It’s been alleged that in Delaware there exists a meme factory that is an assembly line of memes designed for traction in both legacy and social media. If not to help the libertarian radical right libertarians, but used by fringe media, far right, white nativists and conspiracists to oppose progress and importantly, disrupt joined up narratives.

The following memes to be opposed would be familiar to all in the Anglosphere i.e.  PC political correctness, empowerment, CRT critical race theory, BLM black lives matter, women, minorities, LGBT, curricula, education, learning, assessments, science and research, especially universities and higher education.

Autocracy and censorship in the public sphere round media, informing, secrecy and communicating

Australia has witnessed many of its ‘top people’ in an egalitarian society use their power for self protection whether LNP Ministers, MPs, business or even some journalists, to shut down or nobble reporting, discussion and analysis.  

The popular tools to threaten investigative journalists, civilians, whistleblowers, lawyers, innocent bystanders etc. are: claiming freedom of speech to denigrate, spiking articles, journalists losing jobs, removing article comment functions, but more recently, wanton use of authoritarian power via defamation laws for vexatious suits i.e. SLAPPs, according to The Conversation in ‘Slapps: the rise of lawsuits targeting investigative journalists

(October 27, 2021):

A type of legal action is increasingly being used by powerful people to shut down criticism from activists, academics, whistleblowers, and journalists. This is known as a strategic lawsuit against public participation, or Slapp

Electoral campaigning, astroturfing, imported tactics and ideology

The US Koch related State Policy Network is another web of think tanks including the ‘bill mill’ ALEC American Legislative Exchange Council which externally lobbies mostly GOP Reps who are insiders, to vote for or oppose specific bills e.g. oppose environmental regulation of fossil fuels. 

However, one would argue that the now nominally agrarian based National Party in the Australian LNP Liberal National Party coalition government, acts like ALEC, but from inside the coalition.  This is to oppose Liberal and National moderates following climate science and demanding more done for achieving Net Zero; seemingly informed by think tanks.

More recently ALEC’s and the Atlas Network’s influence emerged to promote Voter ID under the guise of solving a non-existent problem, but in fact to suppress votes.  This was introduced by news media into both UK and Australian political narratives, simultaneously; unlikely to have any short term impact, but likely to be mooted again.  At minimum it acts as a distraction to solve a non-existent electoral issue, but one day may come to fruition and follow the US GOP tactic of voter suppression; threatened by emerging younger working age demographics, more diversity, plus voters more educated and empowered, hence, unlikely to vote conservative.

White Australia policy, refugees, immigration, NOM, population and borders as a security issue for autocratic solutions or a ‘Trumpian but ‘virtual wall’

Something achieved in post white Australia is having rhetoric or PR aka the GOP, policies and proxies to deliver similar agitprop, satisfy sentiments of many ageing Anglo-Celtic, European heritage Australians, dog whistling and appear to be ‘not racist’.  Accordingly, we had fossil fuel supported ZPG imported from the US, with liaison of deceased racist John ‘passive eugenics’ Tanton with Paul ‘Population Bomb’ Ehrlich, later becoming SPA Sustainable Population Australia.  It’s role has been to focus upon the ‘virtual wall’ aka incoming NOM then conflating with permanent migration, then spruiking alarm about population growth as an environmental ‘hygiene’ issue.  

The eugenics based focus upon humanity avoids scrutiny of fossil fuels and needs for environmental etc. regulation, by using (non science/data literate) media to inform social narratives or word of mouth; the latter is the most powerful form of messaging and reinforcement because it’s trusted (like organic search engine results vs. paid ads).

SPA access media under the guise of ‘environment’ and patrons too, who include former NSW Labor Premier & Federal Senator Bob Carr, Tim Flannery and Dr. Katherin Betts who has collaborated with ‘Australia’s best demographer’ Dr. Bob Birrell at APRI Australian Population Research Institute. Both of the latter contributed to John Tanton’s journal TSCP The Social Contract Press which is part of what is known as the Tanton Network, described by SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center in John Tanton’s Network as:

The organized anti-immigration “movement” is almost entirely the handiwork of one man, Michigan activist John H. Tanton.

Not only have there been allegations of the Tanton Network sharing donors and networks with the Koch’s SPN, related to Tanton Network and SPA, former Australian Labor MHR Kelvin Thomson attended an event in the US by PFIR Progressive for Immigration Reform.  PFIR is part of the Tanton Network.  Described by ADL Anti-Defamation League in 2012 in ‘Progressives for Immigration Reform Conference Attracts Major Anti-Immigrant Figures’:

Despite claims by Progressives for Immigration Reform (PFIR) to be a “progressive” and “environmental” organization, the appearance of several anti-immigrant activists at PFIR’s third annual conference in Washington, DC, earlier this month, further confirms that the group is firmly entrenched in the anti-immigrant movement.

Thomson’s participation is cited here in 2011 on Philip Cafaro’s website, who is also a key member of Tanton’s Network and presented:

Progressives for Immigration Reform panel discussion with Vernon Briggs, Ben Zuckerman and Kelvin Thomson on US Population and the National Environmental Protection Act. October 4, 2011.

One hopes Thomson realises that PFIR is more about astroturfing and white ‘patriots for immigration restrictions’, i.e. not a progressive environmental organisation, nor is the Tanton Network, which nobbles the centre and left to support the far or alt right.

Australia has become embarrassing with its obstructive policies and behaviour, recently highlighted with COP26 and few concrete measures for the LNP government’s ‘Net Zero’ policies; too easy for ‘owned’ governments in catering to donors and radical right libertarain ideology.

Further Reading:

Lucy Hamilton’s article follows, as do related blogs posts:

Think tanks’ call for ‘freedom’ really promises authoritarianism

Climate Confusion, Astroturfing, Pseudo-Science, Population Movement and Radical Right Libertarians

Past Literature & Ideas on Roots of Radical Right, Nativism & the Great Replacement Today

Eco-System of Libertarian Think Tanks and White Nativism in the Anglosphere

Anglosphere Triangle – Immigration – Environment – Population Growth – Radical Right Libertarians

Lobby Groups, Policy, Government and Influence

Dumbing Down and Gaming of Anglosphere Media, Science, Society and Democracy

Radical Right Libertarain Economics or Social Populism?

Koch Industries: How to Influence Politics, Avoid Fossil Fuel Emission Control and Environmental Protections