Oligarchs for Donald Trump – Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and Rupert Murdoch

According to both UK’s The Independent and US’ Truth Dig based on an article from Puck, claim American oligarchs plotting or planning an election campaign that is anti-Biden and seemingly pro-Putin in favour of Trump for ‘freedom’, tax cuts and immigration restrictions; who or what are they running cover for?

A dinner party hosted by Elon Musk and David Sacks, with Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, Travis Kalanick and Steven Mnuchin should be of public concern, not just for America.

But something deeper is going on. Musk, Thiel, Murdoch, and their cronies are backing a movement against democracy.

Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech financier, has written, “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

Hello? If freedom is not compatible with democracy, what is it compatible with?

Concerning how the self anointed ‘top people’ of Big Tech, right wing media and the donor class have converged on supporting Trump in 2024 elections. 

No doubt with the whiff and influence of Koch Network think tanks in the background, and Tanton Network for the anti-immigrant social Darwinism, while respecting autocrats like Putin, Orban, Netanyahu, Erdogan, Bolsanaro and Milei?

The Independent:

Elon Musk hosted an ‘anti-Biden’ dinner party. Here’s who attended

Elite dinner co-hosted by entrepreneur David Sacks at his home in the Hollywood Hills

Elon Musk hosted an “anti-Joe Biden” dinner party last month with a guest list featuring some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people.

The elite gathering was co-hosted by entrepreneur and investor David Sacks at his mansion in the Hollywood Hills in April, Puck first reported. The dinner party conversation largely revolved around how to raise money to defeat Democrats, a source told the outlet….

….The guest list reportedly included Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, and Travis Kalanick.

Immigration was a hot topic at the dinner, Puck reported.

Mr Musk, the world’s second richest person, has shown a growing interest in politics in recent years, and is often seen in the company of world leaders. He has publicly shared an array of political views on his social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

Mr Musk has yet to endorse a candidate in the US presidential election this November. The billionaire said in March that he didn’t plan on donating to campaigns for either Mr Biden or Mr Trump.

However, the SpaceX founder said he voted for Mr Biden in 2020. In January, he posted on his social media network, X: “I cannot see myself voting for Biden this time.”…

…Other guests at the dinner were at one point closely aligned with Mr Trump.

Michael Milken, a financier who Mr Trump pardoned, was in attendance along with Steven Mnuchin, the Trump administration’s treasury secretary.

Rounding out the party was media mogul Rupert Murdoch, former chair of News Corp which owns Fox News; former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, one-time member of Trump’s economic advisory council; and PayPal co-founder and 2016 Trump supporter Peter Thiel.

The Independent has contacted representatives for Mr Musk, Mr Sack, Mr Thiel, Mr Murdoch, Mr Milken, and Mr Kalanick for comment.’

Truth Dig:

Elon Musk and Peter Thiel’s War on Democracy

The two oligarchs share an agenda that goes well beyond securing tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks.

Elon Musk and entrepreneur and investor David Sacks reportedly held a secret billionaire dinner party in Hollywood last month. Its purpose: to defeat Joe Biden and reinstall Donald Trump in the White House. The guest list included Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, Travis Kalanick, and Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s Treasury secretary.

Meanwhile, Musk is turning up the volume and frequency of his anti-Biden harangues on his X platform…

…Musk has slammed Biden for his decisions on electric vehicle promotion and subsidies, most of which have favored unionized U.S. auto manufacturers. Musk and his Tesla are viciously anti-union.

But something deeper is going on. Musk, Thiel, Murdoch, and their cronies are backing a movement against democracy.

Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech financier, has written, “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

Hello? If freedom is not compatible with democracy, what is it compatible with?

…..Billionaire money is now gushing into the 2024 election. Just 50 families have already injected more than $600 million into the 2024 election cycle, according to a new report from Americans for Tax Fairness. Most of it is going to the Trump Republican Party….

…..Rubbish. Under Trump the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. Even before the pandemic, job growth under Trump was slower than it’s been under Biden….

….But not all. A larger goal of these American oligarchs is to roll back democracy.

When asked if he was becoming more political, Musk admitted (in a podcast in November), “if you consider fighting the woke mind virus, which I consider to be a civilizational threat, to be political, then yes. Woke mind virus is communism rebranded.”

Communism rebranded?

A former generation of wealthy American conservatives backed candidates like Barry Goldwater because they wanted to conserve American institutions.

Musk, Thiel, Murdoch, and other billionaires now backing the anti-democracy movement don’t want to conserve much of anything — at least not anything that occurred after the 1920s, including Social Security, civil rights, and even women’s right to vote. As Thiel wrote:

“The 1920s were the last decade in American history during which one could be genuinely optimistic about politics. Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of ‘capitalist democracy’ into an oxymoron.”..

…If America learned anything from the first Gilded Age and the fascism that grew like a cancer in the 1930s, it should have been that gross inequalities of income and wealth fuel gross inequalities of political power — as Musk, Thiel, and other billionaires are now putting on full display. Inequalities of power in turn generate strongmen who destroy both democracy and freedom.

Under fascist strongmen, no one is safe — not even oligarchs.

If we want to guard what’s left of our freedom, we must meet the anti-democracy movement head on with a bold pro-democracy movement that protects the institutions of self-government from oligarchs like Musk and Thiel and neofascists like Trump.’

For more related articles and blogs on Ageing Democracy, Conservative, Immigration, Koch Network, Libertarian Economics, Media, Political Strategy, Populist Politics, Radical Right Libertarian, Russia, Tanton Network and White Nationalism click through:

The Anglosphere Faux or Fake Left and Centre Heading to the Populist Right?

Posted on February 9, 2023

Interesting article from the US media outlet MSNBC titled ‘How the populist left has become vulnerable to the populist right’ describing the transition some political media personalities have been making i.e. moving from the centre left to right wing populist …

Mainstreaming Extremism – How Public Figures and Media Incite Nativist Beliefs Leading to Violence

Posted on November 29, 2022

Eugenics and racism have been apparent for centuries, but nowadays we are not surprised at extremist events in the Anglosphere, especially shootings in the US, mostly from the white nativist right, with incitement from media, or those accessing media.

Below is an article repost from Bryn Nelson in Scientific American: ‘How Stochastic Terrorism Uses Disgust to Incite Violence. Pundits are weaponizing disgust to fuel violence, and it’s affecting our humanity.’ describing how people are encouraged to view what should be neutral sociocultural issues with ‘disgust’.

Media Misinformation and Distrust – Fox News – Rupert Murdoch – Roger Ailes – Vladimir Putin

Posted on April 16, 2024

Relevant article from the past on methods of media communication, misinformation and shared techniques between Putin’s Russia e.g. IRA Internet Research Agency troll farm, Fox News and related media outlets.

While Roger Ailes was apparently not well liked by Lachlan or James Murdoch, he was left to his own devices at Fox News by Rupert Murdoch to assist in creating narratives and talking points for the right and profits, especially amongst the GOP Republicans, developing mistrust amongst voters.

Tucker Carlson – Donald Trump – Fox News – Rupert & Lachlan Murdoch – VDare – Peter Brimelow

Posted on May 2, 2024

Following are excerpts from a New York Times article on Tucker Carlson and Fox News, click through here How Tucker Carlson Reshaped Fox News — and Became Trump’s Heir from 30th April 2022.

After Roger Aile’s departure Fox News appointed Suzanne Scott who is less central amongst presenters and names as opposed to her focus on ratings, revenue etc. and less attention was paid to ethical & moral behaviour of e.g. Carlson, Hannity et al and open support for Trump and ‘the big lie’.

Murdochs, FoxNews, Tucker Carlson, Anglo Conservatives and Hungary

Posted on November 19, 2023

Fox owner Rupert Murdoch allegedly fired FoxNews’ Tucker Carlson which may be plausible, but not credible if one observes other allegations apart from Christian beliefs that have emerged?

US or UK Sanctions on Murdoch’s Fox News Support for Putin’s Russia?

Posted on May 8, 2022

Interesting article by Nick Cohen suggesting sanctions for Murdoch’s Fox News, and highlighting influence through to the left in the Anglosphere, where there is support for Putin’s Russia and his interests.  

Seems to be shared white Christian nationalist interests and issues between Putin’s Russia, the GOP representing business, libertarian ideology of Koch Network think tanks and also the left, not to forget many Conservative and some Labour MPs compromised by Russian influence, like many of the far right in Europe.

These pivotal interests or issues that should concern the nominal or ideological left, at least in the Anglosphere, are antipathy towards the EU, liberal democracy, open society, human rights etc. while supporting Brexit, Trump, fossil fuels, climate/Covid science denial, doubts and delays to transition; and attacks on civil society through dog whistling of women’s, men’s, LGBT, etc. rights and ridiculing the ‘left’ for ‘wokeness’, ‘cancel culture’ etc.

Geo Political PR for Russia – Anglo Right Wing Media – US Propaganda Infrastructure

Posted on April 22, 2024

Article on Putins’s Russian attempt to influence US elections after the Brexit EU Referendum and the use of PR public relations agencies.

Relating to Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays who saw PR as in the same ecosystem as propaganda, but brings in the issue of ‘agents’ and foreign agent registers e.g. the US FARA Foreign Agents Registration Act.

How Conservatives Admire Corrupt Dictators and Authoritarians – Trump and Putin

Posted on March 28, 2024

While ‘free market’ think tanks, especially US fossil fuel Atlas or Koch Network promote right wing policies for the 1%, and related white nativist Tanton Network entities promote eugenics and the great replacement.

Further, two other central elements include media and ageing citizens; hollowed out legacy media including ‘news deserts’ and now social media being colonised or flooded with far right nativist agitprop to increasing numbers of ageing and/or disadvantaged voters who are less urban, less diverse, less educated and less informed.

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